February 2025
Dear Family and Friends
I can’t believe we are already into our second week in February! There were a bunch of memes going around that January had 479 days in it haha. It did feel like January would never end but we were able to do loads of things in those 479 days!
As I mentioned in my last newsletter, we dedicated a week for praying and fasting for this new year. Prayer seems to be increasing across the globe, and it is evident as we are beginning to see God move through sparks of revival and an increase of hunger for Him in so many areas of the world.
After our week of prayer and fasting, some of our campus workers and students joined together to do prayer walks on a few of the campuses here in London. Here are two pictures of our groups that joined together in prayer on Imperial College, London School of Economics and Kings College.

Also, on the 31st of January, students gathered in 14 different cities across the UK from different college universities as well as churches of different denominations to pray for revival. This is a group of our students that joined in that prayer event here in London.

As part of my Europe role in Campus Ministry, Aoife (our European Campus Director) and I flew to Prague for 3 days. From the 28-30 of March we will have over 100 students and campus workers and volunteers come from all over Europe for our annual ENC Conference in Prague! Aoife and I ran through the city at temperatures of -5, getting all of the details we needed to make this weekend happen. Here we are catching a quick pic to prove we were there!

After I returned from Prague, I had the privilege of preaching at our West Congregation in London. We were doing a series on how different people’s lives were impacted by the Cross. The sermon I preached was on Mary Magdalene – Sinner to Witness. You can watch it HERE.
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers! These last few months have been FULL ON and I have really felt your prayers and need them to continue!
Please continue to also pray for my monthly support. The cost of living has gone up so much making finances tight, so I am really trusting for new partners.
Please also pray for my upcoming dates of ministry:
- 18 February - Teaching interns on Discipleship & Character and Integrity
- 24 February - Teach at our Follow Two Course
- 24-30 March - in Prague - Every Nation Europe Build & ENC Conference
- 1 April -In America to raise support
These are just a few of the things on my calendar at the moment that do not include the regular mentoring that I do in London and throughout Europe.
Thank you again!
PS – I thought I should clarify that when you see me travelling to other countries in Europe for ministry - this is paid for by Every Nation. My monthly support specifically pays for my personal monthly costs to live here and what I need personally.