December 2024
Dear Family and Friends
Wow this past month has been full! In my last newsletter I stated that I was getting ready to leave for Tampere, Finland for our annual Evangelism Summit. This year’s Evangelist Summit was exceptional! With 72 gathered from 20 nations we were poised for God to do something great. Expectations were exceeded.
"Europe is no longer post-Christian it is pre-revival!" – Our main speaker - Wayne Sandeman made this statement at the Summit. This is not wishful thinking, we are experiencing the shift from post-Christian to pre-revival and we are expectant for an unprecedented revival. Preparation needs prayer, then revival!
In his devotional book Revival Rain (which I highly recommend) he states -“Revival is: God coming near, the church coming alive, and the lost coming to Christ.”
During the Summit we started a 40 days of prayer and fasting for revival in Europe where our delegates and many across Europe in our Every Nation churches signed up for a day to pray and fast for revival. We are hearing stories of people having encounters with Jesus, salvations and restoration in relationships almost on a daily basis. God is on the move! Below is a picture of those who attended.

As many of you know, part of my Europe role is being a part of our Campus Leadership Team for Europe. I work to ensure that our campus missionaries across Europe are being discipled and have the support they need to do what God has called them to do. The congregation that I belong to in London is experiencing growth in all areas praise God! - to the point that we are planting a new congregation in the south of London. We are also seeing growth in our university campus ministry where they need more support. As of this month, I am stepping in as the Interim Campus Director in London to support our team at this time of growth. Please pray for me to have wisdom and discernment over the next 4 months to help our campus ministry grow even more and for a clear strategy on how to go forward in the new year.
Two Freedom Days took place in November. One in our own congregation here in London and one in our church plant in Huntingdon (near Cambridge) where they had their first Freedom Day! I had the privilege of teaching two of the sessions on the day as well as helping with ministry times. I love these days where you see people experiencing freedom and healing that changes their lives!
And finally, thank you so much for all of your prayers for my health. After 2 rounds of antibiotics and a cracked rib from all of the coughing, I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER.
I pray that as we head into the Christmas season that God will bring peace and joy into every area of your lives! Let us remember that Jesus is the reason for the season and ask God for opportunities to show our families and friends who don’t know Him yet – His love and grace as we spend time with them over the next few weeks. May you even experience restoration and salvation amongst family and friends!
Thank you for your love, prayers and support. You are making a difference not only in my life but in the lives of so many in Europe.
Lots of love