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September 2019


Can you believe we are already in September?! September for us as a church is always like the beginning of the year because so many things start up again – Schools, Universities, Connect Groups, Follow Courses and Our Kids Ministry always has children moving up from one class to the next.

All of our staff across our 3 congregations have been working hard to have everything ready for each of these areas of ministry. Below is a picture of our full-time and missionary staff together at one of our “looking forward” meetings.

I also met up with Jessica this past month who was one of our medical students. She is now a full fledged doctor working in a hospital just outside of London. Every time I see Jessica I am reminded how God can change a person’s life! I met her about 5 years ago when she was invited by another one of our medical students to a Connect Group. She had never read the

Bible and the best word I could use to describe her was joyless. As her friend and I started walking with her, she asked Jesus into her heart and we saw her life transform from the inside out from what seemed like a shy, timid, joyless person to someone who was active on our kids team, an active student in our campus ministry, getting baptised even though her family was against it and going to Nepal by herself on her medical placement! She is now living outside London and immediately set out to find a local church family to be a part of to make a difference in the world around her! God is good!

This weekend our Connect Groups relaunch after our Summer break. I’m so excited that we have 18 amazing groups starting this season across our West Kensington congregation and hopefully a few more over the next few months. Please pray with me as I oversee these groups and their leaders. Pray that these groups will grow not only in their own personal relationships with Christ but also that there will be a growth of love for the lost in their worlds and that they will begin reach out to them!

Thank you so much for your love prayer and support – you have no idea how much it means to me and helps me!

Lots of love


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