The last few months have been a whirlwind! The great thing though is that God has been in the middle of it so it’s been an amazing ride!
In mid-March I preached a sermon on Loving Well as Friend. Sometimes we fall into a routine or rut in our friendships and lose sight on properly loving each other well. It was interesting to see the response of so many people, especially in the area of loneliness. To listen to the sermon click HERE.
After preaching that Sunday, I flew to Florida for three weeks to see Family and Friends and to also do my annual support raising. It was a wonderful time seeing so many of you and being overwhelmingly blessed by your love and generosity! Please continue to pray for increase in my finances and all that God has in store for me in Ministry and Life!
I arrived back in London mid-April starting a 2 month Sabbatical with a 3 week visit with my mum. I have not spent 3 weeks of quality time with my mum since I was 19 years old and I must say that I was so excited to have her here and show her the beautiful city and country that God has planted me in.
Please pray for me as I continue my Sabbatical. I am already looking forward to this next season coming up. I really believe the words NEW THINGS that God gave me at the beginning of the year will be theme that runs throughout 2015!
Loads of Blessings!
February has flown by! Flowers are beginning to bloom here in London even though it is still cold but it brightens up everyone’s mood knowing that Spring is around the corner!
Are you ready for New Things this year? We just had our Victory Weekend last weekend and it has been wonderful watching and knowing that people are walking around with a new freedom in their lives! I loved seeing the nations in the group of people who attended the weekend! United Kingdom, Philippines, Hungary, Romania, America, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Africa. As I mentioned in my last letter, I had the privilege of speaking about Freedom from Addictions and Making Disciples on the weekend.
Over the past 2 months we have been going through a series in our congregations called The Art of Loving Well. This coming Sunday I will be preaching at our Hammersmith Congregation on Loving Well as a Friend. Please pray for me that I hear and know exactly what God wants to share with us during this service.
I would also like to ask you to pray for me as I prepare to go to America for 3 weeks to raise my support and to visit family and friends from March 17th to April 8th. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone and sharing what God has been doing here in London. I am trusting for new friendships as well as new support in finances and prayer. If you are in Florida and would like to meet up please let me know as soon as possible so we can make a date!
After my time in Florida, I will be coming back to London for a 2 month Sabbatical! Our Senior Pastors took their first Sabbatical last year and it’s my turn now. After 25 years in ministry, I have never had a Sabbatical to take time off to properly relax and refresh. I must be honest, at first I was a bit fearful of the time off, but as the time approaches, I am getting excited and looking forward to what God wants to do in and through me during this time and I am looking forward to doing some New and Exciting Things!.
Loads of Blessings!
I’m so excited about 2015! In my last letter I mentioned that I really felt like the words that God had given me for the year were “New Things.”
This past month, I have already had the opportunity to go to Austria to spend a week with our other Every Nation European Leaders to get some amazing input on Grace. The many sessions were filled with great truths as well as giving us input on how to reflect God’s Grace in every aspect of our lives and church. It was also a wonderful opportunity to spend time with some of our champion church planters such as Mel and Tanja Calingo who lead our Every Nation Church in Madrid, Spain.
Another New Thing that I am super excited about is that since November of 2013, I have been going through the process of becoming approved by the IRS as a Ministry. I have been official with the State from the start but the process with the IRS is a long one with many steps. You actually have to operate as a ministry and then prove to them that you are doing all the correct things before the official approval. This past week after 15 months, I have received my official letter!! Thank you to everyone who has been standing in prayer with me on this.
This coming weekend one of my favourite annual church events is coming up – Victory Weekend! Over the years many of you have heard me talk about these weekends. They have been a significant part for Christians in their journey towards freedom and victory over sin. There are 12 sessions on the weekend and this year I will be teaching on Victory over Addictions and The Call the make Disciples. Please pray for everyone coming on this weekend.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers! Wow, are they moving mountains! Your prayers and support are helping us as a team to reach the nations in so many ways for Christ!
Loads of Blessings!
Traci Watson