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The past month and a half has been so full of God’s love, power, faithfulness, forgiveness, transformation – I could go on and on!

At the end of January I headed to Tampa, Florida to visit family and friends who have been so wonderful in walking with me for so many years as a missionary. Thank you so much to all of you who have been so faithful for your giving and your prayers! I also want to welcome those of you who have recently joined me in reaching the nations as I serve here in London!

I was in Tampa for 2 weeks and then headed up to northern Georgia to visit my parents for a few days where I was also able to reconnect with my first ‘adopted’ family in the Lord! When I first went to be a missionary in Guatemala in 1990 the Lord gave me Luis, Melonie and their children as family. It was so good to catch up after so many years and talk about the amazing things God has done and still continues to do in our lives.

As soon as I arrived back in London, I hit the ground running. We had 3 people in our church who were eager to be baptised. Which is always exciting! What you can’t tell in these photos is that it was around 50F/10C outside and the water was FREEZING! I loved it and would do it every day if I could! Especially seeing two of our teens wanting to take this step.

This past weekend we also had our Every Nation Campus European Conference here in London. The theme was Unashamed and we had students come from 10 different nations around Europe. We probably had around 20 nations represented because many of the students come from different

countries that they actually study in. I also had the privilege

of being one of the speakers and ministering to the ladies about letting go of shame. God did such an incredible work in and through all of us on the weekend. We are beginning to hear testimonies so watch this space in my next letter!

Thank you again for all of your prayers! You are a part of everything that I am involved in here in Europe.

Could I please ask you to pray for health for our staff? There is a flu virus going around and we have really been battling physically

and also spiritually against this. I would also appreciate prayer for more people to join my prayer and financial team to reach the nations and generations here in London. You are amazing!

Lots of love,


Happy New Year! I hope that you had a wonderful time over the Christmas and

New Years and made lots of wonderful memories with family and friends.

Last December I hosted our Campus Christmas Party. I loved having our students over for a fun evening of games and food! I’ve also loved seeing how they have not only grown in their relationships with each other but also with God in 2016.

We also had our Every Nation Staff Christmas outing! We have three congregations here in London and they are quite spread across the city so our staff doesn’t always get a chance to hang out with each other. These outing

in the greatest city give us an opportunity to have fun, build stronger relationships and also bless each other.

Starting 2017 has also been exciting! Christina is a beautiful young lady that has been attending out church over the past few years. We have seen her life change drastically in 2016 as she developed a relationship with God and experienced transformation and freedom in so many areas! She is about to step out in a new adventure and move to Australia at the end of this month but before she leaves she had one more thing that she wanted to do – GET BAPTISED! We didn’t have a church baptism planned this month so I invited her and a few friends around to my house and we baptised her in my bath! You can watch it HERE.

This month Connect Groups, Follow Course and University Terms start up again! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do this year!

I will be coming to Tampa for the first 2 weeks in February and my calendar is filling up so if you would like to meet up with me please email me so we can set a date and time.

Finally, Just a reminder that the American postal address for donations to Traci Watson Ministries has changed. Please send all communication and donations to Traci Watson Ministries 276 Hope Drive, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 if you are sending by regular postage. PayPal is still the same and direct deposits can also still be used the same in America. My UK information has stayed the same.

For my UK friends, if we haven’t had a chance to meet up recently, please let’s also make a plan for March. I would love to catch up with you soon!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers! I have so needed them. Your love and your support are a continuous gift and I am overwhelmed that you have joined me on this journey!

Lots of love,


PS - For my American friends - Baptize in America is spelled Baptise in the UK ;o)

Winter has definitely arrived in London with temperatures dropping drastically and ice forming everywhere in the mornings and evenings.

Christmas parties and activities are also in the planning stages or already happening. We will be handing out hot chocolate, mulled wine (very traditional here) and Christmas cookies in the coming weeks to people in our local neighbourhood hoping to share the good news and love of Jesus!

This past month has been an emotional one and I want to say thank you again for all of your prayers for Dolu while she was in the hospital and now for her husband Dayo and her family and friends. We had a memorial for her and wow what a turnout of people from all over the UK and Nigeria! She impacted so many people!

I also had the privilege of interviewing Angelina to share a bit more of her testimony in church a few Sundays ago. I love seeing what God is doing in her life!

Thank you as well for praying for my health! I am feeling so much better! I would appreciate your continued prayer as we press through the Winter months.

Finally, I want to let you know that the American postal address for donations to Traci Watson Ministries has changed. Please send all communication and donations to Traci Watson Ministries 276 Hope Drive, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 if you are sending by regular postage. PayPal is still the same and direct deposits can also still be used the same in America. My UK information has stayed the same.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! I pray that you have an amazing time celebrating the birth of our Saviour and also a wonderful time with family and friends!

Lots of love,


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