Hello! I returned a few days ago from our ENC European Conference in Kraków, Poland. It was an amazing conference and God showed up so powerfully in the lives of everyone there. Thank you so much for praying! 87 students and 37 staff/translators/speakers from 15 countries descended into Krakow for this incredible weekend.
Although this was primarily a training and encouragement conference for Christian students, a couple of students from different groups gave their lives to Jesus!!! Three students from the Ukraine felt God was very distant before and now want to read their bible
and one wants to follow Jesus! A Muslim
student from Germany gave his life to Jesus! Some students had no Christian friends before coming to the conference and this weekend gave them the chance to connect with other believers and exchange info to stay in touch.
There was ministry for family rifts and prayer for healing from rejection. Also, teaching and training in God’s love, walking in community, revival, great faith, sharing the gospel with friends, prophetic words, overcoming fear and discouragement, and Breaking Free from
Destructive Patterns which I had the privilege to teach. I was especially blown away during this workshop on freedom because if was one of 4 workshops happening at the same time and almost half of the students signed up to it! It is truly a new season in Europe as we are seeing students hunger for more of God and wanting to walk in breakthrough.
Students also stepped up in leadership and many caught the vision of seeing their campuses reached with the love of Jesus. It was a beautiful time of seeing God work.
The final day was a staff summit for all of the campus ministers from all of our
churches across Europe. It gave us a time to connect with each other, strategise, share resources and pray for our countries.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Being together was such an encouragement and boost for all of us.
Thank you for praying and investing in what God is doing in Europe!
Lots of Love
Hello! I don’t know about you, but the start of this year has really got me excited for what God is going to do in 2019.
I can’t say that it’s because incredible things have already happened but I just have this anticipation of seeing God bringing about fruitfulness and breakthrough this year for people in so many areas.
Over the past few weeks I have been meeting up with people who I walk with and there just seems to have been this shift of hunger rising up inside of people to go to another level in their relationship with God.
I myself, want anything that is going to help me to not only walk with others but also to help me to lead others to Christ. We have European church plants, Conferences and Courses happening in the next 6 months and I am praying for many opportunities to be used to share Jesus with people as well as helping them to get to know Him to where they in turn can share Jesus with others as well.
These verses are key to our vision as a church and what I want to fully walk in this year: “Come, Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fish for people.” ‘At once they left their nets and followed Him.’ Matthew 4:19-20 And “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (fish), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey (follow) everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””Matthew 28:19-20
Please pray for me as I prepare to teach at our Follow One Course at the end of this month. I will also be doing a workshop on Breaking Free from Destructive Patterns at our European Student Weekend in Poland the first weekend in March.
Here are a few pictures from this past month:
You are an amazing blessing!!
Lots of Love
Where have the last 3 weeks gone?! So sorry that this is coming to you so late in the month. The year has started off with us moving into a new venue for our church and we have already seen the change turn into momentum in so many areas!
This week we have launched our Connect Groups across the city and I had the privilege of preaching this past Sunday to start the season off. The message starts with two testimonies that lead into my sermon. If you would like to go straight to me speaking you can forward to minute 14.
This is a short letter this month since February is right around the corner but I would appreciate your prayers for my health. Also, please pray for me as I lead our groups into having a heart for the lost this year. My desire is to see all of our groups reach others for Christ.
Lastly, prayer for finances as every year brings new challenges for many people and many people are unable to continue with their financial support. God is Faithful - ALWAYS so I am trusting that as He speaks to people, they will listen and also reap an incredible reward of reaching so many around the world!
Thank you so much!